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We’re a financial and consulting business company of professional thinkers think thinkers, strategists, digital innovators, designers and problem solvers (everyone gets a mention). Our sense of curiosity brings brands to life, gets

Our highest performances and expanded experience are some of the most important assets for our worldwide clientele, we know very well what works and how is done in the shortest time possible. We are an authorised business entity licensed to by the governments to conduct corporate or trust services, to act on behalf of the main applicant in relation to a citizenship by investment application. Our goal is to provide the best and fastest service for each particular customer, ensuring full transparency within entire process and we are keen to commit for his lifelong success and accomplishments.

Our citizenship-by-investment programs rely on applicants making a financial contribution to a country’s economic program, like investing in real estate, or forming a company in their desired country.

Notice that each case is slightly different, so please inquire about the program mandatory requirements for the countries that might be at your interest.

Our team will guide you through the document preparation process, usually takes as long as you need to obtain copies of personal records. In most cases, you will have your new passport in hand in less than a year, and for certain countries, even earlier as few months from the beginning of the application process.

Depends on the chosen country regulations, usually there is no need for initial travel, but we are more than happy to arrange a visit visa if you would like to personally explore the country.

Why Choose TCME Group Worldwide for Your Investment and Citizenship Process?

TCME Group Worldwide stands out with its extensive experience and proven results in handling investment and citizenship applications. As an authorized and licensed business entity, we ensure a smooth, fast, and transparent process. Our team is committed to guiding each client to success, offering tailored services that are efficient and reliable, backed by government recognition for corporate and trust services. Discover how our expertise makes a difference in achieving your citizenship and investment goals.

There are no such obligations. Applicants may include their family members (spouses, children, and parents) in their process. In some circumstances, elderly dependent parents may also be included with your application.

Alternative citizenship means to obtain and have a second citizenship, often through an investment program offered by a nation’s government. This is called economic citizenship or citizenship by investment. Alternative citizenship provides flexibility, mobility and security. By obtaining a second citizenship, and therefore a second passport, you will have more options and freedom for international travel.

A second citizenship and passport gives greater international mobility through visa-free travel, which can save time and money each time you travel. A second passport can be considered as an insurance policy, which allows you the protection of another country if you encounter civil unrest, natural disaster or other issues in your first country of citizenship. International tax planning can be also in your interest and benefit if you have second citizenship.

The cost of an economic citizenship will depend on the particular program and the number of family members applying together. We will provide a personal and confidential quote for each request in particular.

Generally, there are no language or employment criteria to meet and fulfil. Some programs require citizens to reside in the country for a minimum period of time while others have no residency requirement. For all programs, applicants must be able to demonstrate good health and character, and also be willing to invest a specified minimum amount in the country offering the program.

Each program has its own requirements, costs and benefits. While each program will lead to a second passport, not all programs will be suitable or available to all applicants. We can help and consult you in order to decide which program is the most appropriate for you and your family.

Based on safety and reputation of the country, UK, USA and European countries are well respected worldwide and are the best passports to have, based on the country reputation and number of countries to travel without applying for visa. Caribbean passports are also a very good choice for having them as a second passport. Popular Passport Programs: St. Kitts, Antigua Barbuda, Malta, Cyprus
Popular Residency Programs: Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgary, Belgium, Hungary

The main differences and comparison between the 2 programs are as follows:
1. St. Kitts needs longer processing time (6-12 months) compared to Antigua (3-4 months)
2. St. Kitts passport has initial validity for 10 years while for Antigua 5 years.
3. St. Kitts Nevis (SKN) has no residency requirement
4. Antigua/Barbuda (A&B) requires the applicant to spend an average of a week per year (just 5 days over 5 years) over the duration of the validity of their first passport. Hence you would have to spend 5 days in Antigua within the next five years. You can choose when and how long as long as the total will be at least 5 days. Antigua requires an applicant to swear an oath of allegiance either in A&B or at an official A&B location around the world (e.g. embassy or consulate office). This can be done upon a trip to Antigua.
5. Antigua & Barbuda has access to 112 countries visa-free, St. Kitts & Nevis has 120.

Iranians cannot apply for passport programs of Malta, St. Kitts Nevis and Antigua & Barbuda because of the sanctions. We accept Iranians living outside Iran for Belgium, Portugal, Cyprus, Bosnia, Serbia and Bulga programs.

Belgium Residence Program – No minimum residency requirements (Passport after 2 or 5 years)
Portugal – Very minimal (7 day per year and so on..)
St. Kitts and Nevis – None (immediate passport)
Antigua and Barbuda – Immediate passport issued for 5 years but to renew after 5 years requires 35 days residency in the island.
Cyprus – Immediate passport (no residency requirements)
Malta – Passport only after 1 year and residency
UK – 9 months per year residency requirement to apply for British passport after 5 years
USA – Spend at least 50% of time in US if you want US passport after 5 years.
Canada – 3 years of residence (incl. of 2 year PR) to apply for Canadian passport.
Switzerland – 12 years of residence is a must before applying for Swiss passport.

Naturalisation means you live certain number of years (residency) in a third country to become a citizen.

Resident permits are issued for migrants upon meeting various terms and its validity is time based, whereas citizenship is not time based and it gives absolute freedom in the country to live, work and vote. If you are a non-EU person, then when you enter first time into an European country, you will need to apply for temporary residence permit (TRP) first and then after living 3-5 years, you will get permanent residence permit (PR). You can qualify to apply for citizenship in that country after spending 7-10 years of residence in the country.

Our Services in Europe and the Caribbean

We offer the following services to our clients:

  • Business & Company Formation
  • Real Estate Consulting
  • Housing Accommodation
  • Residence Permits
  • Immigration, Passport, and Citizenship Services
  • Tax Planning and Fiduciary Services
  • Investment Advice
  • Assistance with Government and Municipality Formalities

Important Advice and Notes

It is very important not to fall into various online scams where second passports are sold at relatively cheap prices and obtained through illegal and unscrupulous methods. This carries significant risks when you travel — you could be deported or even jailed. We strongly advise against taking such routes.

The safest way to acquire a second passport is through authorized agents in a proper legal process, approved by the government. You can qualify for citizenship and a passport through an economic citizenship by investment program offered by various governments.

This is why we primarily assist high net worth individuals, wealthy families, and business investors. Our well-established and qualified team of lawyers and citizenship planning specialists will provide accurate advice regarding economic citizenship programs and citizenship planning.

Dual Citizenship Regulations

While most developed countries have no restrictions on dual nationality, some prohibit dual citizenship. It depends on where you live, and in certain cases, according to the laws of your home country, you may be required to renounce one citizenship in order to acquire another.

Please note that in certain countries, such as Saudi Arabia, holding dual or multiple citizenships is illegal and can be considered a criminal offense. The US allows dual or multiple nationalities, but US citizens are required to pay taxes regardless of where they live.

Countries Allowing Dual Citizenship:

  • Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Bangladesh, Canada, Cyprus, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, South Korea, South Africa (requires permission), Egypt (requires prior permission), Greece, France, Finland, Germany (requires prior permission), Iraq, Italy, Israel, Ireland, Hungary, Iceland, Sweden, Slovenia, Syria, Serbia, Armenia, Lebanon, Malta, Spain (only with certain Latin American countries), Tonga, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka (by retention), Pakistan (accepts only with 16 countries), Portugal, Turkey (requires permission)

Countries Not Allowing Dual Citizenship:

  • Andorra, Austria, Azerbaijan, Burma, Bahrain, Botswana, Japan, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Ecuador, Estonia, Iran, Poland, Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Japan, Peru, Kuwait, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Chile, Kiribati, Poland, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Singapore, Slovakia, Ecuador, Lithuania, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Malaysia, Mauritius, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Romania, Thailand, Mexico, Nepal, Venezuela, Norway, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal

The above list of countries is not definitive. For more detailed information, please refer to relevant government websites. For professional advice, consult an embassy or lawyer in your home country regarding immigration and citizenship in the context of dual nationality.

Yes, there are clear refund policies and will be clearly specified in the contract agreement.

No, you may retain your existing citizenship. The government what we recommend allows dual citizenship and will not publish any information about persons acquiring citizenship nor will they inform your present country of citizenship.

Yes. Your family can also obtain citizenship under your application. Qualified dependents can include parents above the age of 65 and children up to 25 years of age with additional government fees payable, if the people have a clean criminal record.

The passport is valid for 10 years and easily renewable thereafter.

Yes, you can reside in St. Kitts and Nevis at any time for any length of time. You are not liable to pay tax if you chose to reside in St. Kitts.

What is Economic Citizenship?

This is a program where a foreign investor pays a prescribed fee for citizenship of that country. Under the amended laws, residency in Dominica can be waived in exchange for a prescribed (investment) fee. This entire process includes a strict application process, due diligence, and an interview by the applicant.

Are the Citizenship Fees Negotiable?

Government and GCI fees and terms of payment are not negotiable. We only accept monetary payments.

What is a Family According to the Program Rules?

A family consists of the main applicant, their spouse, or a spouse and two dependent children under the age of 18. Additional children can be included at an extra cost.

Can I Include My Parents, Siblings, or Other Relatives in the Application?

No, you may not include siblings or other relatives under a family application.

Does the Dominica Citizenship Program Recognize Unisex Marriages?

Unfortunately, unisex marriages are not recognized in Dominica.

Can I Renounce My Previous Citizenship After Acquiring Dominica Citizenship?

Yes, you can. However, Dominica permits dual citizenship, so there is no need to renounce your previous citizenship.

Are There Any English Language Requirements for Dominica Citizenship?

Yes, all main applicants must interview with a committee appointed by the Prime Minister. The interview is conducted in English, though interpreters may be provided if necessary. We will prepare you for this interview to ensure you’re fully prepared.

What Is the Validity Period of a Dominica Passport?

A child’s passport in Dominica is valid for five years, while an adult’s passport is valid for ten years. Passports for children can be issued from birth, and the passport may be signed by the child (depending on age), a parent, or a legal guardian.

What Should I Do if My Passport or Certificate of Naturalization Is Lost or Stolen?

You must report the loss or theft in the country where the incident occurred and obtain a police report. Then, submit a letter explaining the reason for replacement, along with a formal request for a new passport, and include a notarized photocopy of the police report. These documents must be in English. You will also need to provide passport photos and applicable fees.

What Information Is Included in the Dominica Passport?

Dominica passports for adults and children include the following information: name, middle name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, occupation, height, and distinguishing marks (if applicable).

Can the Interview Be Waived?

No, the interview cannot be waived. However, at the client’s expense, the interview can be conducted in London or New York.

What Happens During the Interview for Dominica Citizenship?

The interview typically lasts an hour. You will be asked questions about yourself, including verification of the information in your application. Basic knowledge of Dominica’s history will be tested. General questions will cover reasons for obtaining second citizenship, knowledge of Dominica, and business experience. We will help prepare you for the interview.

Can I or My Family Members Lose Our Citizenship?

Citizenship can only be revoked if false or misleading information is provided during the application process.

Can I Change My Name While Applying for Citizenship in Serbia or Dominica?

You can only change your name after one year of receiving citizenship. This is done through the Deed Poll procedure, after which you can apply for a passport under your new name.

Can My Partner and I Apply for Citizenship as a Family If We Are in a Civil Marriage Without a Marriage Certificate?

No, you cannot apply for Dominica citizenship as a family unless you are legally married.

Can I Apply for Citizenship for My Children From a Previous Marriage?

Yes, Dominica recognizes the equal rights of all children. You will need to submit additional documents, such as a letter from the biological parent giving permission for the child to be included in the citizenship application.

Will My Dominica Citizenship Be Revoked If the Economic Citizenship Program Is Stopped?

No, once granted, your Dominica citizenship is 100% legitimate and protected by the Constitution and legislation of the country.

How Long Is a Passport Valid?

All passports are valid for ten years. Caribbean passports, however, are only valid for five years.

How Can I Be Sure My Passport Will Be Renewed Upon Expiry?

As per Grenadian law, citizens are entitled to a passport and cannot be denied one.

Do I Need an Address in Grenada to Renew My Passport If I’ve Sold My Property?

No, you can use your principal residence address.

If I Sell My Shareholding, Do I Need to Renounce My Citizenship?

No, your citizenship is for life.

Can the New Owner of My Shares Apply for Citizenship?

Yes, subject to the government’s terms and conditions at the time.

When Can I Sell My Shares?

It is the company’s intention to automatically sell all shares after five years of operation, or on a date determined by the Directors, to maximize capital return.

Are There Taxes to Pay After Buying Shares and Receiving Citizenship in Grenada?

No, as a shareholder, you are not liable for individual taxes in Grenada. Income from dividends and capital return from share sales is tax-free.

Are There Taxes to Pay After Buying Property and Receiving a Passport in Grenada?

Yes, property tax is capped at EC$300,000, and the annual tax payable is approximately EC$600 (about USD 225 per year).

As a Grenadian Citizen, Do I Have to Live in Grenada?

No, you are not required to live in Grenada.

Can I Get a Refund If I Change My Mind After Transferring the Purchase Price?

No, once your application is submitted, you are fully committed.

Still Have Questions? Let Us Help!

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